iTellaShare is a tool to allow users to connect with others who have experience in a particular area, often subject matter experts in their field. It's a leading knowledge reponsitory and a marketplace to connect individuals to share information.

The platform will provide a "human connection" to enable users to connect with others across various cultures, languages, and most imporantly, different perspectives.

iTellaShare is about connecting knowledge seekers with knowledge providers to accelerate information discovery and learning. Users will be able to use a web application to connect with providers based on very specific criteria eg. country, language, knowledge category, sub category and availability. Once they find a provider who matches on those dimensions, they will use website to engage in one-on-one provider sessions.

This targeted, information sharing will save time and serves as a knowledge multiplier by condensing months or years of knowledge accrual into abbreviated interactive learning sessions.

1) Log-in/Register

2) Search / Filter

3) Connect with a Provider

4) Make an Appointment

Once you have downloaded the iTellaShare application, open it. If you've already registered, simply login. If not, register here, or via any other device.

After logging in, you'll be shown your dashboard, then a search screen with lots of options to narrow down what you're looking for. Some of the options will be preselected based on your profile and previous searches. Once you've entered your query, click Go.

In the results screen, you'll see numerious providers with a background in what you are looking for. You can see providers profiles, history, availability, and directly message them.

Once you have found a provider who matches your needs, select them, and check their availability. There you'll be able to schedule a time that works for you both and the session will appear in your dashboard.

Imagine you are ready to embark on your academic career at your first university. You are full of excitement, expectations, and lots of questions. How valuable would it be to connect with a former alumni who studied for the same career which you are about to start?

Or, maybe you're interested in living in another country, like South East Asia? How helpful would it be to speak with a fellow american who has moved and is now living in Thailand. Rather then taking the leap and learning by doing, why not leverage the experience of someone with a similar background who has already done it? Fast-Track your perspective.

If you would like to know more about the services we offer and how we can benefit you, send us a message here, we promise a quick, personalized reply.